Friday, January 23, 2015

Jewish Fairy Tales - Extra Reading Diary

The Giant of the Flood: Noah gathered all of the animals in the ark that he built. He really wants to get a unicorn and put it on the ark. A giant then brought him a unicorn. Noah said he would feed the giant and also keep him on the Ark.  The giant sacrificed an animal in order to get food. The giant then lied to Noah, and perished because of it. I like this story because it teaches you to always live up to your word. Honesty is a very important lesson to learn in life.

The Beggar King: The priest read a story from the holy book that the King did not like. That is because it said “Riches are not for ever: and doth the crown endure to every generation.” He then ripped the passage from the book. While hunting, a deer led him to a genie that was to teach him a lesson. The genie became king, and King Hagag was no longer in charge. Once he learned his lesson, he became king once again. I like King Hagag. He was a king that once didn’t appreciate beggars, but now is a good king to all of his people, even the poor.

The Quarral of the Cat and Dog: The dog and the cat were good friends. They decided to part ways after struggling to survive together. The cat immediately found sanctuary in Adam, while the dog struggle to find food and shelter for quite some time. Unknowingly dog stumbled upon the cat’s new home and they could not stop quarrelling with each other.  In this story dog went through many struggles, while cat stumbled upon an easier path. Dog was willing to make amends with cat, but cat was not able to stop quarrelling. This story was really interesting and insightful. I believe the dog can symbolize people that have had to work hard to find their way, while the cat could be seen as someone not willing to make sacrifices.

The Water-Babe: Princess Bathia found a child in the water she called Moses. The Pharaoh believed that Moses had alternative motives because he came from the river. However, he was just an ordinary boy with many questions he wanted answered.  This story was an interesting taken on the biblical story of Moses.

Etching by Hendrick Hondius

From Shepherd Boy to King: David found a magic mountain where no tree or shrub grew.  David said this is not a mountain, but a unicorn.  Suddenly a lion appeared, and David needed saving. A deer saved David from the lion and lead the lion astray. He later remembered this experience years later when he was King of Israel and sung about his experience.

The Magic Palace: Ibrahim was a respected and cultured man in his town. He soon fell into poverty and his family began to suffer.  His pride kept him from seeking the help of friends and he went to strangers for work.  I really liked this story. Ibrahim was my favorite character because he was very prideful and wanted to help is family in a discrete way.

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