Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Reading Diary A: Nursery Rhymes

This week I read the category Nursery Rhymes. They are all fairly short, but there were about three of them that really stuck out to me, so I will briefly talk about them.

Tom, Tom, The Piper's Son: This is about a boy named Tom stealing a pig and running away with it. There is no exact reason why I really liked this nursery rhyme, but I just liked it for some reason. The imagery it created while I read it is why I liked it.

For Want of a Nail: I liked this one because it reminded me of the lady that swallowed a fly. A story from when I was a kid. This nursery rhyme talked about someone wanting a nail, and they kept losing other things in the search of the nail (or so I assume).

Little Bo-Peep: This is a story that I think everyone knows. It is about little Bo-Peep who has lost her sheep. It is a good nursery rhyme and was good to hear it again. Sometimes I think that the classics are the beset ones to read. I believe this is the one I will used to write a story this week. 
A picture of little Bo-Peep. Web source: Wikipedia

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