Thursday, January 15, 2015

UnTextbook: Top 5 Units

There are many interesting units in this UnTextbook, but I will share with you my five favorites, in no order.

The first unit that grabs my attention is Egyptian Myth. Egyptian stories have always intrigued me, and from reading a few of these stories, I am definitely looking forward to reading into this unit more.

Another unit that interests me is Jamaican Stories. This category just interests me because of its tropical location. It would be interesting to read into what types of myths people that live in Jamaica heard growing up.

Cherokee Myths is another unit that I feel I would interested in. I am Cherokee myself, so reading into some of the myths of my people would be very educational and fun for me. This might be the unit I am most excited for!

The final unit that I am interested in is the Twenty-Two Goblins unit. It is a bunch of different stories that are told by a goblin! This to me is a very creative way to get a story across to people, and is the main reason I am interested in this unit.

Barque of the Sun-God, Ra

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