Saturday, January 10, 2015

Week 1 Storytelling: Peter Piper's Promising Passage

Peter Piper was a very prudent person.  Peter was scared of things that the preponderance of people were not afraid of. For instance, Peter is petrified of the Pink Panther, a cartoon character. Peter, along with a plethora of others, didn’t enjoy going into the Prickly Pear Park because of all the spooky purple people eaters. Purple people eaters are some of the most perverse predators in Peter’s home village, Pepper Palace. But the Prickly Pear Park was the only place you could obtain pickled peppers, Peter Piper’s most prized pleasure.  Peter decided to forget about his preposterous fears, and journey into the Prickly Pear Park.  Peter parked his Prius in the parking lot next to the Prickly Pear Park and began his passage towards the pickled peppers. As he proceeded, he heard many noises, which he predicted was coming from the purple people eaters. Purple people eaters are known to steal pickled peppers from people in the park. As Peter peers over his shoulder, he proceeds to pick a peck of pickled peppers. A peck of pickled peppers he did pick. As Peter walks back to the protection of his Prius, he dreams about the perfect pickled peppers that he has just picked. He planned on making pickled pepper pie whenever he got home. Peter finally proceeded to his home on the prairie, and went to grab his pickled peppers. To his surprise, the peck of pickled peppers had vanished. Peter Piper pondered to himself, “if I picked a peck of pickled peppers, where is the peck of pickled peppers that I picked.” He then realized that a wild pack of purple people eaters most have snatched it from him when he was not looking. Peter Piper silently wept to himself as he pictured himself never getting to eat a pickled pepper again. Peter pledged to never pass into the Prickly Pear Park again…

This is an illustration by Charles Badboych of his interpretation of a Purple People Eater.  It can be found online here: Deviant Art

Author's Note
This story is based on the nursery rhyme "Peter Piper Picked a Peck of Pickled Pepper" which can be found in The Nursery Rhyme Book, edited by Andrew Lang (1897). The original nursery rhyme can be found quoted below: 

"PETER PIPER picked a peck of pickled pepper;
A peck of pickled pepper Peter Piper picked;
If Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled pepper,
Where's the peck of pickled pepper Peter Piper picked?"

I picked this nursery rhyme because it was one of my favorites as a kid. I always enjoyed attempting to say "tongue twisters" which this nursery rhyme surely is. I thought it would be fun to try and include as many words that begin with a "P" as I possibly could. I hope you enjoyed my rendition of this classic rhyme.


  1. I absolutely love what you did with this nursery rhyme! I thought about doing this one, but couldn't come up with anything. I love all the alliteration and your creative use of 'P's. I also like that you incorporated another tale from my childhood One Eyed One Horned Flying Purple People Eater. It brought up a lot of great memories.

  2. Very creative to use an extended alliteration all throughout your story! I would never have thought to do that! I also liked the nod to the purple people eater, my most feared monster as a child, haha. Very creative story and I liked how you kind of used the rhyme within the story. Very cool!

  3. I loved the way that you retold the nursery rhyme. It was creative to have such a long tongue-twister. It definitely made it difficult to try and read it fast and I did try to read it fast but I ended up having to really focus in order to be able to read the entire thing. It was awesome. One thing that I think would make it a little better would be if you broke the story into a couple different paragraphs. The story seemed to run together with it all being in that format. Besides that though I thought the story was unique and I am not quite sure how you were able to come up with that many words that start with a “p”. I do not think that I would have been able to make the story that long with that many words that start with a “p”. It was really good.

  4. Hey Steven-

    You seem like an awesome person.

    I thought your word choice was super awesome. Alliteration is a difficult thing, especially when you are trying to keep it consistent throughout an entire story. I wondered if you were going to be able to keep it going and have the story still make sense. You did a stellar job.

    The characters in your story were nice. I liked all the details about him having a Prius and living on the prairie. I laughed out loud multiple times, which I don't do very often in these stories. Who is scared of the Pink Panther? Haha.

    The setting of the story was good. Like Colleen, I enjoyed that you included the Purple People Eater. I remembered that tale from my childhood.

    Though it was a relatively short story, I thought you did a great job of moving the narrative along and keeping me interested in what was going to happen next. Your sentence structure was clear and to the point, which worked well with this type of tale.

    Again, I applaud you for all your great alliterations. It must have taken a lot of thought, as well as trial and error to get everything exactly right.

    Fantastic job. I look forward to reading many more of your stories in the coming weeks!
